Funeral Services


Al-Farooq Masjid provides funeral prayer and burial services for deceased Muslims. Al-Farooq Masjid administers one of the few Muslim cemeteries in the South East, located at 1510 Lovejoy Rd, Hampton, Georgia 30250 (directions).

The funeral services include the ritual bathing and preparation of the body

For the benefit of the community, a few funeral homes offer special rates for their services. Detailed funeral process.Important Contact Information:
Contact the Masjid Aul Mu’ Minun for further deatil  404-874-7521 or email for inquries

Our Office

Street Address
City, State, Postal Code


Contact Us

Mauris id fermentum nulla. Mauris id fermentum nulla.


Funeral home

Street Address
3095 Jonesboro Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30354

Tel (404) 433-6272


Contact Us

For Further Inforation on any questions or call

Masjid Al Muh’ minun for deatails 98865655rr6r8